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Northeast Houston AFT PD is ready to help you reach your “Outer limits” in 2019-2020, in our upcoming Boot Camp on 8/10/19 from 9am-1:00pm. During this “fun and creative” Boot Camp we aim to help you explore new beginning of the year activities. Blast off with Tech Tools to get you organized & encourage student participation. As well as, helping you reach the stars with your ELL students. If you are a educator or support staff with 0- 5 years of experience this Boot Camp is designed for you. If you have more years of experience & maybe changing subject areas, this Boot Camp is for you as well. No matter what experience you have come by, fellowship, and go where no man has ever gone before at NEHOU PD! Hope to see you there!
Location: Northeast Houston AFT Office
Date: August 10, 2019
Start Time: 9 AM (CONTiNENTAL BREAKFAST 8:30 -9)