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AFT March and April Trainings

Northeast Houston AFT Professional Development Program represents one of the unions major efforts to improve student achievement by addressing the professional growth and needs of our members.

Sign up today for one of our upcoming trainings, and see what you have been missing!  

March 28, 2019

Effective Group Management   - Tamra Myers

Managing student behavior throughout the year relies on establishing conditions that prevent or discourage behavior problems before they occur. By designing instruction that actively involves all students, holds students accountable for their work, and provides variety and a sense of progress, teachers maximize student work involvement. While delivering instruction, teachers who demonstrate awareness of student actions, manage smooth transitions between activities and maintain a sense of momentum can minimize student misbehavior. Targeted Audience: Educators and Support Staff.


April 2, 2019

Stress Resiliency (Management) – Taja Butler

In today’s world, stress is a pretty common experience for many of us. Many of us spend time talking about stressors we encounter in our daily lives. This training program is designed to address stress and trauma you may be experiencing. Our goal is for participants to recognize disaster-related stress, learn how to obtain support, and build their own resilience through stress reduction and coping strategies. This information should be presented in three modules, each with participatory activities to provide a platform for sharing experiences, ideas and support for each other. Targeted Audience: Educators, and support staff.


April 9, 2019

The Game Factor – Maria Barraza

This module examines the research, different types of games, and how they can be used to enhance content instruction for students in today's diverse classrooms. Participants will learn new classroom games that will span content and age-level.   2. Teachers will apply new reflection strategies to their current classroom games and the new ones. 3. Teachers will summarize current research on games and play in the classroom. 4. Teachers will be able to explain why play improves student engagement in the classroom. Targeted Audience: Educators.

Register for one or all trainings at:
**Social with light snacks and beverages from 4:30-5:00 pm. Each trainings will go from 5-6:30.


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